Friday, October 31, 2008

Fargo and The Big Lebowski

Fargo and The Big Lebowski, two films from the Coen Brothers with a similar plot. In both the films there is a kidnapping with a ransom or any money involved. Theres something that goes wrong. Theres something that isnt going as planned with the money. Plans are changed in order to have it the way is suppose to go. At the end the money isnt found or nowhere to be located.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hudsucker Proxy vs. Down To Earth

Hudsucker Proxy, a movie about a fast-talking career gal (Amy) that tries to get one over a naive-country boy (Norville) that becomes a wealthy business man overnight. Down To Earth is a similar movie like Hudsucker Proxy. Down To Earth is a movie of a not-so-funny comic (Lance) that gets reincarnated into a wealthy mans body (Mr. Wellington) and falls in love with a woman who is fighting Mr. Wellington's corporation (Sontee). Lance is like Norville in the sense that they have never had so much money and so much power. They both got that overnight. Sontee is like Amy because they both try to take down the Mr. Wellington or Norville. Sontee doesn't like what Mr. Wellington and his corporation is doing to the lower class citizens. Amy wants to reveal the truth about Norville and the company he just took over of him being hired just to make the stocks of that company cheap. Lance falls in love with Sontee, Norville falls in love with Amy. They go out and stuff and at the end Lance makes it seem that he will stay with Sontee and Norville then stays with Amy.